Frequently Asked Questions
No, the FDA does not regulate devices for use with animals.
Yes, thousands of our chambers are in use with no safety issues.
Yes, the FDA recommends that we follow the same safe manufacture standards as with the human chambers.
Our companies have been making these chambers for over 35 years.
Please visit our Warranty page.
Please visit our Return Policy page.
No, they naturally adapt to the pressure changes. In addition, our chamber gives you complete control on speed of pressurization.
We have done a destructive test to 19 PSI.
We ship our chambers set to 1.3 ATA (4.4 PSI)
Yes, you can purchase an upgrade to 1.5 ATA (7.2 PSI)
Inside our chamber there is very little noise. We have incorporated noise and vibration elimination. We have silencers for the incoming air and motor vibration and isolation of the relief valves for a completely quiet treatment.
Yes, our chambers have controls that can be accessed from the inside and outside of the chamber.
As a natural anti-inflammatory it reduces inflammation. It super saturates the body tissues with oxygen reducing stress during surgery. During post surgery recovery the chamber adds oxygen to the body fluids so healing occurs faster as more oxygen is delivered to the wound site. Behavioral issues improve as oxygen is delivered to the parts of the brain that are lacking normal oxygen saturation.
Typically one hour before surgery and 30 to 60 minutes after surgery. Based on the level of trauma, 1 to 4 hours is most beneficial. For general wellness, 60 minute treatments are normal.